Privacy Policy and Personal Data

We are committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of data holders.

Iguana Tours, Lda., registered under the legal person number identification 514046260, certified by Turismo de Portugal under the registration RNAVT 7878, TUKANO TRIPS’ trademark holder (hereinafter referred to as TUKANO TRIPS), with registered offices in Rua Conde São Bento, n. 177, 4785-296 Trofa, is permanently committed to protecting of and respecting the personal data of its customers and/or users. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, safeguard, process, use and delete personal information provided by our users, as well as we guarantee the right off access, update and delete such information. The Privacy Policy is applicable to all users who access the website

It is applicable the General Data Protection Regulation approved by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 (hereinafter referred to as GDPR), concerning the protection of personal data of natural persons.

In accordance with the provisions of the Regulation, personal data processing is guided by the principles of lawfulness, fairness and transparency; purpose limitation, data minimization, accuracy, storage limitation, and integrity, confidentiality and accountability.



The personal data processor which will process personal data collected on the website is Iguana Tours. Lda, above-mentioned.



In accordance with GDPR, personal data means “any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person («data holder»); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person“.

The processing of personal data means “any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.”

Depending on the requested, personal data we collect is:

a) Name;

b) NIF number;

c) Civil ID;

d) Email address;

e) Phone number;

f) Identification document;

g) Address;

h) Special requests and preferences.

For statistical purposes, data from unidentified users (anonymous) may also be collected and processed, such as IP address, username, type of browser or operating system used, date and time of the visit to the Website, which pages were visited on the Website, and the Entrance URL.

We use session and analytics Cookies to collect data from your visits to the Website to improve your experience. If you want to disable Cookies, you have to change the settings of your browser.

Cookies Policy - Tukano Trips:

Data will be collected within the scope of applications to Service Provider, ordering of services, newsletter subscription, and requests for information, and also if the data holder voluntarily provides personal data to Tukano Trips.



The processing of personal data has the following purposes:

a) For the provision and subsequent management of the requested services;

b) To allow navigation and consultation on the website;

c) To answer to requests for information or support we may receive;

d) To comply with legal, accounting and tax obligations;

e) To send direct marketing communications subscribed by the Customer related to Tukano Trips, including newsletters;

f) To send customer satisfaction surveys with the aim of improving the quality of the provided service;

g) To present personalized business proposals that may be requested;

h) For security purposes and prevention of fraudulent or abusive behavior, in particular but without limitation, to identify individual responsibility in case of computer crimes committed against Tukano Trips or third parties through the website.



The processing of personal data is based on the fact that personal data is necessary for the provision of the subscribed services. Note that the provision of personal data for this purpose is optional, however, in this case, it will be impossible for Tukano Trips to provide the requested service.

Likewise, the requested data may be processed to comply with legal, accounting and tax obligations related to the provision of the requested services.

The processing of personal data for other purposes requires express and unequivocal consent.

The purpose of security and fraudulent behavior prevention is based on the legitimate interest of Tukano Tips to detect frauds and others abusive behaviors against itself or third parties.

Your consent can be withdrawn at any time. If you wish to object to the processing of personal data for the sending of marketing communications, you will need to send an email to with the subject “Remove”.



For the purposes described above, personal data may be transmitted to the following entities:

a) Service providers Partners supplying the services requested through Tukano Trips;

b) Natural or legal persons who provide assistance and counselling to Tukano Trips, in particular but without limitation, on accounting, administrative, legal, fiscal, financial, IT, and credit recovery matters, and any other entities that may be necessary for the provision of the requested services;

c) Competent authorities, in case of compliance with a legal obligation or a duly substantiated solicitation;

d) Persons authorized by Tukano Trips to process the personal data needed to carry out operations related to the provision of the requested services which are contractually and/or legally linked to duties of confidentiality and professional secrecy;

e) Business Partners, for specific purposes in case of Customer has given his/her express, unambiguous, and specific consent for such purposes.



The personal data processed to the above stipulated purposes will be stored for a period of time strictly necessary for the accomplishment of those purposes.

Therefore, the personal data will be stored for the following periods of time:

a) For marketing purposes: until the data subject refuses his/her given consent or, on the other hand, for a period of 10 years;

b) Personal data supplied at the time of the contract: for a period of 10 years in the case of data related to the billing of services, and for a period of 5 years when, once the service is concluded, an eventual legal claim based on contractual or extra-contractual liabilities justifies the storage of the personal data;

c) For the compliance with fiscal obligations: 14 years;

d) Personal data may be stored for a longer period during the existence of a judicial pending situation or any other dispute settlement procedure, being deleted 6 months after the end of the final disposal or definitive decision that ends such process.



The personal data holder has the right to request to Tukano Trips, at any moment, to access to his or her personal data, to require their update or removal, under the GDPR, once the assumed contractual undertakings or a longer mandatory storage period are not prejudiced. The personal data holder has also the right to request the limitation of data processing in accordance with article 18 of the GDPR.

The exercise of personal data holders' rights should be requested by writing to the email address

The personal data holder has the right to submit a complaint to the competent control authority, accordance with GDPR.



The privacy policy was approved and it has been in effect since 10 August 2023.Tukano Trips reserves the right to partially or fully change or update its content, to comply with fiscal obligations. In those cases, Tukano Trips will keep the users informed about those changes publishing them on the website, so the users must check it regularly to assure that they are aware of the most current version of the privacy policy.



The user expressly declares that he or she owns or controls all the rights of the personal data provided, ensuring that the data is truthful and accurate, under contractual and non-contractual liability or criminal responsibility if personal data are incorrect or false.

Despite the commitment of Tukano Trips to saving and protecting personal data collected on the website, the users should take suitable measures to guarantee the protection for their electronic device, the data stored in such equipment and the data provided through the website, in order to prevent any damage caused by using the website.